On one side of the Multiverse, Doctor Doom was confronting the Beyonders. They demanded to know who dared stand before them, and he presented himself.
Meanwhile, on Earth-1610, Nick Fury was making the final arrangements for the upcoming and final incursion, and soon after sent all of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fleet towards Earth-616. The fleet arrived to the incursion point, the Manhattan of Earth-616 and started firing at it. Numerous heroes tried to fend off the attackers.
Character Appearances:
Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Black Bolt (Inhumans), Black Panther (T’Challa), Beast (Hank McCoy), Amadeus Cho, Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom), Molecule Man (Owen Reece), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thor, Captain America, Black Widow (Natasha Romanov), Spider Woman, Manifold, Captain Marvel, Luke Cage, Iron Fist (Daniel Rand), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Avengers, Illuminati, Fantastic Four, Thing (Ben Grimm), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards), Invisible Woman (Sue Richards), Valeria Richards, Franklin Richards, X-Men, Storm (Ororo Munroe), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Cyclops (Scott Summers), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Colossus (Peter Rasputin), Guardians.
Written By: Jonathan Hickman
Art By: Esad Ribic
Cover Art: Greg Land
Publisher: MARVEL
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